
Who Is On Your Personal Board of Directors (PBOD)?

Apr 13, 2024

"Surround yourself with the dreamers and the doers, the believers and the thinkers, but most of all, surround yourself with those who seek greatness within you, even when you don't see it yourself." - Unknown

Have you ever heard that saying that "you are who you surround yourself with?" Well, there is so much truth to this statement, and in this game of life, this mentality is imperative, if you want to maximize your potential and be your best self.

In past blogs, I have stressed that we are not wired to "go it alone" in life, which is why it is so important to not just casually, but carefully, pick your Personal Board of Directors (PBOD). Your PBOD can be one of your most treasured assets while you dodge multiple curve balls in various stages of life.

Can I get an amen?

Let's dive into the Top 5 key benefits of having a rock-star, A Team PBOD in your life:

  1. Diversity in perspectives and experience - One of the greatest benefits of a PBOD is the diversity of experience and knowledge that its members bring. You can assemble a group of people with different backgrounds, industries, and skillsets, which allows you to tap into a wide range of expertise and perspectives. This can help you make more informed decisions and avoid blind spots.

  2. Accountability and motivation - When you have a PBOD, you have a group of people who are invested in your success and can hold you accountable. They can help you stay on track with your goals, give you feedback when you need it, and motivate you to keep going when you're feeling discouraged.

  3. Networking opportunities - Your PBOD members can also be valuable connections in their own right. They might be able to introduce you to people in their network who can help you with your career or personal goals. This can open up new opportunities and expand your horizons.

  4. Emotional support - Life can be tough, and having a PBOD can provide you with emotional support when you need it most. Your PBOD members can offer a listening ear, words of encouragement, and practical advice when you're going through a difficult time.

  5. Sense of community - Finally, having a PBOD can provide you with a sense of community and belonging. You have a group of people who are on your side and want to see you succeed. This can be incredibly motivating and give you the confidence to take risks and pursue your dreams.

Regardless of whether life is going swell for you at the moment, or you are feeling stuck or uncertain, assembling your own PBOD is always a good decision. The goal isn't necessarily for this to be a formal group - it can simply be a group of trusted individuals who are willing to offer their time and expertise and who have your best interests in mind.

Are you with me? Can I challenge you to put your team together this week? Can you make the phone calls and/or set up the meetings?

Together with your PBOD, I promise you will be on your way to achieving more greatness than you ever dreamed imaginable!

In pursuit of the A Team,
