
We Can Do Hard Things!

May 01, 2024

"It is not because things are difficult that we do not dare; it is because we do not dare that things are difficult." - Seneca

Is there a goal you can think of that continually rears its head when it comes time to make a change in life, but you have never pulled the trigger on it for some reason?

Well, I know how that feels...all too well, in fact!

For me, it was completing a triathlon. The thought of completing a triathlon had just become one giant thorn in my side.

Every year I would tell myself that this was THE year I would train for a triathlon. I would envision myself crushing the swim, coasting on the bike and breaking barriers on the run. And, in my head, I would cross the finish line with pure joy for having simply completed it and for having left every ounce of what I had on the course.

Here's the thing, didn't stop with all those visions of grandeur 

For years, I would buy little things that were supposed to motivate me to do this triathlon. I bought a wetsuit for the swim, a few pair of shoes for the moments I was going to start REALLY running.

But, guess what I didn't buy...

I never bought the bike.


Bikes are expensive, so I would have had to really commit if I bought the bike. Commitment is scary. I couldn't buy a bike and let it collect dust in my garage. That was my first indication that I was more afraid than committed.

It's funny what fear will do to us. Fear is completely debilitating. It will act as a virtual barrier to any goal we have for ourselves. It will take over your entire sense of logic. It's excruciatingly painful to experience.

We all have our own versions of a triathlon when it comes to fear, and the first thing you should know is that fear is a real thing, yes. But, if you really want to accomplish something in life, you are going to need to conquer it and get past the fear.

You are going to need to "buy the bike."

With the intent of motivating you to work with your mind and move past your fears, I am going to give you my 3 takeaways from my experience with my fear of competing in a triathlon. Do these 3 things, and you are far more likely to move past the fear and into a place where you realize the beauty of accomplishing your goals:

  1. Carefully pick your support system. It is important that you make it clear to a handful of individuals that you are going to be working towards your goal. This group of individuals will act as your accountability squad and your actual cheerleaders on the day you attempt to conquer your fear or take a stab at your goal. It is important to have a support system leading up to the event and at the actual event, if you are attempting something that will allow spectators.

  2. Set small goals along the way. Goal setting is an entire lesson in itself, but it is arguably the most important step to crushing your fears and doing it in style. The key is to set small, attainable goals that push you slightly beyond your comfort zone and then reassess and reset along the way. Then, once it is time for the big day, you should have "day-of" goals set up, as well, none of which should have anything to do with outcome.

  3. Prepare, prepare, prepare. I cannot tell you how important preparation is. The more you prepare, the more your fear will dissipate. And, speaking of preparation, I also want to prepare you that it is likely that there will still be nerves involved, regardless of how much you prepare. But, instead of your nerves sabotaging your performance, they will enhance your performance if you have prepared properly, and you will go into what psychologists refer to

Well, what are you waiting for? As I always say, there is no better time than the present, so let's get going. Don't wait 10 years like I did! 

I know this will be one of the best journeys of your life and life is ALL about the journey.

Just buy the bike!


In pursuit of the journey,
