
Unleashing Happiness: Weed Out Toxicity & Let The Flowers Bloom

May 11, 2024

"The key to being happy is knowing you have the power to choose what to accept and what to let go." - Dodinsky

So, grab your gardening gloves, put on your sunniest smile, and let's get dirty!

In this little horticultural adventure, we're going to compare your life to a garden and explore the connection between those pesky weeds and those joyous blossoms.

Now, I know what you're thinking, "Weeds? In my happiness garden?"

Yes, my friend, weeds are an unfortunate reality we all face, and if you are not tending to your garden often and well, they will rear their ugly heads and turn a beautiful space into an unhappy and ugly one. 

But fear not! We have the power to pull these weeds out, one by one, and make room for those beautiful flowers to thrive.

Weeds come in all shapes and sizes. They come in the form of toxic relationships, unhealthy habits and time-consuming joyless activities in your day. So, let's start by taking each type of life "weed" and discussing how to rid your garden of these weeds and replace them with beautiful flowers.

  1. Toxic Relationships: Can you identify that "frenemy" or family member in your life who always brings you down and you leave a conversation or social event with them feeling deflated and self-conscious, instead of energized and confident? Almost all of us have those less-than-desirable people in our lives, and we aren't quite sure how to remove them from our garden. But, here's the truth...if you do not pull them out from the root, they will not only continue to grow back, but they will continue to grow back bigger and consume a larger part of your garden. Removing them from the root can be tough, because you have to have a challenging conversation that is likely uncomfortable for even the most brash/direct person. As difficult as it is, though, it is time to pull out the weed killer and remove the toxicity from your life. One big massive spray can remove this weed from your life, and you can fill that free space with some gorgeous flowers (or friendships) built on trust, love, and mutual support.

  2. Unhealthy Habits: These can be tough weeds to rid in your garden. It can be a longer process than toxic relationships to make these pesky plants disappear, because it requires daily attention and spraying with the weed killer to train them not to grow back. And, if you don't consistently spray them every day, they can (and will) grow back bigger and stronger than even before. These weeds can take 2-4 weeks to kill, but if you have a solid plan in place, and you stay on top of it, you are guaranteed some pretty amazingly beautiful flowers that can grow in their place.

  3. Time-Consuming (And Sometimes Joyless) Activities: Similar to unhealthy habits, these weeds can be tough to zap in your garden of life. Why? Because sometimes we don't even know they are weeds until they become overgrown and start taking over our garden. These weeds can be sneaky little suckers because they can come in various forms - like when you are always available for others, or you are being seen as a doormat. It can feel good to help others but eventually you realize that what you thought was a flower in your garden was really just a glorified weed with a bloom. The other time-consuming activity that is often misleading and feels like it is filling your cup is the weed of social media and being addicted to your phone or electronics. It may feel fulfilling and fun at the moment, but it is really just a time (and garden) suck...a weed.


Now that we have identified the types of weeds in your garden, and we have begun to put some thought into what it will take to remove them, let's start to visualize the garden you want and what kinds of flowers you want to replace your weeds. This is, by far, the most fun part of the process and requires a daily reminder or two to stay on track. Witnessing your flowers bloom can be such a rewarding process, full of happiness and joy.

Does the garden you have visualized, full of flowers, make you smile? It should!

I'm going to leave you with this one last quick reminder...

WATER A LOT AND OFTEN...and, most importantly, enjoy the fruits of your labor!


In pursuit of happiness,



Picture this: your happiness is a vibrant garden, and just like any garden, it needs to be pruned and tended to. Weeds will pop up everywhere if you do not give this garden of happiness some attention.