
Top 3 Habits To Integrate Daily

Apr 06, 2024

"We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore, is not an act, but a habit." - Aristotle

Do you ever feel yourself wandering through life without a clear vision on where you're going? Well, you're not alone. I can guarantee you that every single person has been there at least once, maybe multiple times, in life.

There is good news, don't have to wander anymore.

One of my favorite topics is habit building, which can be closely related to goal setting. Building good habits will set you up for success in life, because it can give you the structure and discipline you need to move forward.

Need help getting started?

I got you, friend!

All I'm asking for is 35 minutes of your time. 35 MINUTES! We can all do that, and if you tell me you don't have time, I'm going to call you out on it. We can all find 35 minutes in our day to set aside for personal growth.

Ok, let's dive in... 

The following 3 habits are my favorite habits to start with if you just need a little kickstart to habit building. If you can implement these 3 habits, you are well on your way to experiencing the personal growth you need to get moving in the right direction.

  1. Find an educational piece that you enjoy (10 minutes) - What gets your mind going? Is it a podcast, a blog, a book, a LinkedIn module? Feeding your mind is so important, so if you aren't already in the habit of carving out some time for something educational, make it happen. Reading and listening to educational pieces will spark your curiosity. Take that curiosity to your friends and family and engage with them about what you have learned. These conversations will also help you to be able to understand different perspectives and become a more well-rounded thinker.

  2. Pick a form of exercise you can stick to (30 minutes) - Pick something, anything, to get the blood flowing. If you aren't ready for anything strenuous, take a walk and get some fresh air. Being outside and moving your body is a great place to start. And, of course, if you enjoy something more active, go on a run, bike, swim or lift weights. Whatever works for you. The important part is that you do SOMETHING and not NOTHING.

  3. Dust off your journal (5 minutes) - Grab your journal or a notebook where you can jot down three things each day: (1) Something you are grateful for. (2) An area where you excelled and were successful. Something you are proud of. (3) An area you can improve upon.

You may be looking at this list and thinking, "Erin, that is 10+30+5=45 minutes!" Well, here's the cool can bundle habit #1 and habit #2 for 30 minutes total - listen to your educational piece while you are exercising - and now you only have to commit to 35 minutes each day.

Easy enough, huh? 

Here's my CHALLENGE to all three of these habits each day for a solid two weeks. DO NOT MISS A DAY. At the end of those two weeks, send me a message through the "Contact Me" section of the Ascension Coaching website ( and tell me how you feel. What worked for you? What did you struggle with? Do you feel better now than you did two weeks ago?

Here's your INCENTIVE to take my challenge...if I hear from you within three weeks of today, and you give me your feedback, I will honor 25% off of a 3-month coaching package or 30% off of a 6-month coaching package. Offer expires at 11:59pm on April 30, 2023, so let's kick it into high gear!

Are you on board, friend?



In pursuit of good habits,
