
The Magic of Letting Go

May 19, 2024

"If you want to fly, you have to let go of the things that weigh you down." - Unknown

Anyone who knows me well, knows I love metaphors when thinking about life and personal development, so I cannot wait to share this one with you.

Nature always presents the most wonderful nuggets of wisdom, doesn't it?

When I was on my run a few days ago, I started to wonder what the science is behind leaves falling from trees.

What causes them to fall?

Why are leaves even useful to trees?

(I know...these are probably strange questions to ponder while on a run, but you wouldn't believe the topics that run - no pun intended - through my head on a run!)

So, I did a little research on the life cycle of a tree and its leaves, and it became clear how this can be applied to our lives. It is truly remarkable, and so relatable, when comparing how a tree rids itself of its leaves the moment the leaves become a burden to its development and are no longer useful or uplifting.

I'm sure most of you haven't really thought twice about this process. After all, we have four seasons in a year, and when it comes time for fall, leaves die, the wind blows, and the leaves just "fall" off the trees, right? Simple as that.

Well, it is actually much more interesting and strategic than that.

Do you want to know the science and reasoning behind this process?

Ok, ok...don't twist my arm. Here ya go!

According to Peter Raven, president of the Missouri Botanical Garden and a renowned botanist,

"The wind doesn't gently pull leaves off trees. Trees are more proactive than that. They THROW their leaves off. Instead of calling this season 'The Fall,' if trees could talk, they'd call this the 'Get Off Me' season." - NPR

Here's what actually happens to create the "Get Off Me" season for a tree...

When the days become shorter and colder, the changes in weather and sunlight trigger a hormone in trees that signals to every leaf on the tree that it is "Time to go! Get off me. You've completed your work!"

Here's the super cool and fascinating part, though...

Once the leaves receive this message from the tree, tiny cells appear where the stem of the leaf meets the branch, called "abscission" cells, which looks like the word "scissors," right? Well, that's because these cells are designed to make the cut from the tree and push the leaf off so that it dangles just enough to be given the final push by a gentle (or not so gentle) breeze.

Think of leaves on a tree as the tree's kitchen staff. The kitchen staff is busy making loads of food for its big boss during the spring and summer months, so it will grow and thrive. Once the days get shorter and colder, there is not much food to produce, so the tree needs to let its staff go - they really aren't able to serve much of a purpose during the down time.

(Side note...Trees are brutal employers, huh?)

If it isn't already obvious what the metaphor is here, think about things in your life right now that are not serving a purpose - the people, behaviors or habits that are simply draining your energy and not giving anything in return. What are you doing to get rid of those areas of your life? 

What are the dead leaves in your life that need to be pushed off and fall to the ground to give space for new growth?

Release what's weighing you down and open your heart to the wonders of change. Embrace the magic, nurture new beginnings and focus on a life full of growth and renewal. 

Remember, my friend, the power to let go is the power to soar.

We can learn a lot from a tree, can't we?


In pursuit of letting go,
