
The Beauty of Balancing Act

Mar 10, 2024

"Gratitude is one of the most powerful human emotions. Once expressed, it changes attitude, brightens outlook, and broadens our perspective." - German Kent

Does your day-to-day life feel like one miraculous balancing act after another? I would venture to say that most people would scream a resounding “YES” to that question. We live in a culture that is constantly buzzing around, moving from one activity to another and feeling that we don’t ever have enough time. Then, there's this annoying little voice inside our head that thinks it is justified to tell us that we aren’t good enough!

Well, I can promise you that you deserve better than what that little annoying voice inside your head is saying to you.

Instead of looking at your insanely busy schedule as a negative aspect in your life, shift that mindset and look a look at it all in a positive light. Be grateful for all the hoops you jump through on a daily basis.

Remember this…

Managing an overwhelmingly busy schedule means you have a purpose. You're chasing your dreams, working towards your goals, and making things happen. You're not just coasting through life – you're actively shaping your future. And, let's not forget about the perks (yep, you heard me…PERKS) of being busy. You're constantly learning, growing and challenging yourself. You're meeting new people, gaining new skills and discovering new passions.

So, the next time you feel like you're drowning in responsibilities, take a moment to be grateful for this beautiful balancing act of yours. Thank your lucky stars that you have the opportunity to do all these amazing things.

And, if you're experiencing a moment when you are feeling particularly overwhelmed, here are a 5 Tips to help you stay grateful:

  1. Always block off some "YOU time." Often times, the first thing to get pushed aside is the time we have planned for ourselves. Your YOU time is arguably the most important time in your day, because without YOU time, you can’t show up as your best self for others.

  2. Focus on the positive. Instead of dwelling on the negative aspects of your busyness, focus on the positives. What are the things you're most excited about? What are you learning? What are you achieving?

  3. Take breaks. It's important to take breaks and recharge your batteries. Use this time to reflect on all the amazing things you're accomplishing. When you’re feeling particularly overwhelmed, stop for 1-2 minutes and be still in thought. Think about why you are grateful to be here today.

  4. Be kind to yourself. Remember, you're only human. Don't beat yourself up if you can't get everything done. Take things one step at a time and be proud of what you do accomplish. Give yourself some love for what you have been able to accomplish thus far and acknowledge how much of a rockstar you actually are.

  5. Celebrate your wins. When you do accomplish something, no matter how small, celebrate it! Give yourself a pat on the back, treat yourself to something nice or share your success with a family member or friend.

Feeling the stress of an overwhelming schedule isn’t always easy, but it's something to be grateful for. So, embrace your busy life, stay positive, and remember…


In pursuit of gratitude,