
Social Connection and Why It Matters...

Jun 02, 2024

"Connection is the energy created between people when they feel seen, heard and valued - when they can give and receive without judgement." - Brene Brown

One of my New Years Resolutions this year was to make an intentional effort to connect with others and come out of 2023 with more close relationships than I started. During the pandemic, we made the decision as a family to move back to Texas from California and that decision also involved leaving behind a life we had spent years cultivating. It meant leaving our comfort zone and our community in California. 

I am not sure if others feel the same, but my experience with getting older is that it has become more difficult to make strong, lasting connections with new people in my life. Starting over, whether that is in a new career or a new city, can be daunting and can feel lonely, but what I have realized is that forming new relationships at an older age often times is a result of an actual intentional effort to do so - it is putting yourself out there and seeking others to form community.

But, let's look deeper into community and relationships and understand why they are so important - because they ARE SO IMPORTANT!

Having strong relationships and connecting to others is good for the mind, body and heart. Research shows that the benefits can even save your life.

Here are just a few benefits of creating a social circle with others: 

  1. Longer life expectancy. Enjoying company with others (beyond your spouse), could actually increase your life span. That's could live longer if you have a support system outside your marriage. Isolation has been proven to decrease life expectancy, so get out there and find your crew!

  2. Better physical health. Believe it or not, engaging with others is associated with a stronger immune system, especially the older you become. This means that, not only are you potentially able to fight off colds and the flu more effectively, but it could also decrease chances of getting cancer or other more serious diseases. Don't believe me? Social isolation increases the risk of dementia (50%), stroke (32%) and coronary heart disease (29%). (Source: National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. Social Isolation and Loneliness in Older Adults: Opportunities for the Health Care System. The National Academies Press; 2020.

  3. Your mental health will improve. When you have others who you enjoy talking to and spending time with, it will boost your feelings of well-being and decrease the chance of depression. Social interaction is so important to keep your mind active and your heart filled with engaging conversation and laughter.

  4. Lower risk of dementia - yes please! Yep, you read that correctly...there is evidence that having a strong social circle is great for your brain. It helps with memory and cognitive skills. Being active socially is a great natural medicine to fight dementia.

Not sure if you are in a healthy place socially or not? Well, it could start with your 4am friend.

Who is your 4am friend? A 4am friend is someone you can call at 4am (again, no, not your spouse), and you know they are willing to pick up the phone and listen to you. It doesn't have to be an emergency, but if you really need to talk to someone, you know your 4am friend is there for you. When we moved to Texas, I felt like I no longer had a 4am friend, which was my wake-up call to work on my social community. That moment was the moment I added "relationship building" into my 2023 New Years Resolutions.

So, what do you say? If you feel like you are falling behind in this area of your life, I would argue that the research above is a good enough reason to get started today and make it a goal to create a strong community. And, don't get intimidated by the word "community." All you need is 2-3 buddies to improve your health and well-being. There are others out there who are in the exact same situation as you are, and they are looking for someone just like you to connect with at this very moment.

Time to get out of your comfort zone and increase your quality of life!


In pursuit of connection,