
Comfort Zone = Danger Zone

Mar 31, 2024

“All growth starts at the end of your comfort zone.” – Tony Robbins

We are all guilty of it…living life in our comfort zone - it’s such a cozy and comfortable place, I admit.

But, here’s the problem with that cozy, comfortable place…

There is ZERO growth in your comfort zone. Think about it…if you do the same thing every day, how can you learn something new? How can you force discomfort in your life which is where you find growth?

I get it. It’s not comfortable to be uncomfortable (I know...newsflash)! But, discomfort is an absolute requirement for personal growth, career growth, physical growth…all the things.

"Move out of your comfort zone. You can only grow if you are willing to feel awkward and uncomfortable when you try something new.” – Brian Tracy

Because this is such an important topic, let's review 10 Tips that will enable you to get out of your comfort zone. Whether you choose to focus on 2, 5 or all 10 of these tips at this time, any bit of energy you take to get out of your comfort zone is better than not making any strides at all.

So, let’s get started… 

  1. Make an “uncomfortable” list – Take a few minutes to write down 8-10 things that make you uncomfortable and set a goal to do 1-2 of the items on your list every day.

  2. Pick up a new hobby or skill – Don’t have a hobby? Put some thought into what hobbies would be interesting to you and pick one to focus on (we ALL need a hobby). Same idea with a new skill. Do you want to sharpen a skill or learn a new one? Pick a skill you want to sharpen or learn and make it happen.

  3. Release control – Do you have any issues with control? Control of money, control of your environment, control of your schedule. If you can identify an area of your life where you feel you need to be too much in control, learn how to slowly release control of that area. Here’s my personal example: I tend to have control issues of my environment – I need it to be clean and tidy all the time, or I feel out of sorts and anxious. I have to put a conscious effort into letting it go and letting the mess just “be” sometimes, so I can train myself to not get as anxious around a messy countertop. The struggle is real, y’all, but when I can relax, it allows my family to relax, and I am aware of that.

  4. Set a new physical training goal – Get moving! Exercise is so very important, even if you can get out and get a 30 minute walk in. Whatever it is, just get your body moving for a few minutes (or more) each day.

  5. Read a book/listen to a podcast – Carve out a minimum of 10 minutes each day to pick up a book or turn on your favorite podcast. Personally, I have come to love podcasts, because it sparks deeper thought on issues I may not have considered before. It engages my mind with deeper curiosity, and it has become a staple for my days!

  6. Compliment a stranger – Did you know that giving another person a compliment boosts both your AND their self-esteem and happiness? It’s a two for one deal! Make a sincere effort each day to find one person (stranger, colleague, friend or family member) to give a genuine compliment to. It could change your entire day AND theirs!

  7. Assess your job/career – Not completely fulfilled in your career? What is missing? What do you desire? Sit down with yourself and/or a trusted friend/mentor to talk through it. We spend 1/3 of our life (or more) at work. You deserve to feel happiness and fulfillment in that 1/3 of your life, because guess what…if you’re not happy in that 1/3, it will affect the other 2/3’s of your life.

  8. Ask deep question/be a good listener – Asking deep questions and being a good listener to the answers (without judgement) can be one of the best areas for personal growth. Think about it this way…we all come from different walks of life with different pasts. We do not all experience life or situations with the same lens; therefore, we all have different perspectives on various issues. There is not always a right or a wrong, just a difference in perspective. The more you can understand someone else’s perspective, the more you will grow as a human being.

  9. Have a servant mindset – Turn the focus from yourself to others. If others are in need, find a way to serve them. Make a conscious effort for it not to always be about your needs and desires but the needs and desires of others. You will experience more happiness as a result.

  10. Step into someone’s shoes – Before passing judgement on another, step into their shoes. Before you yell at that person who cut you off on the highway, consider that they could be having a far worse day than you are. Maybe they just received a call that a family member passed away. You just don’t know. Stand in their shoes for a bit and give them grace.

Well, there you have it! I hope this gives you a few things to work on in order to get uncomfortable. If you can make an honest effort to take on even one of these 10 Tips at a time, I promise you will feel the benefits of stepping out of your comfort zone. 

You never know what tomorrow brings, so make today a good one!


In pursuit of the discomfort zone, 